With our program to learn French in Denver, you may surprise yourself by how quickly you learn and converse in French.

Whether you are planning a trip to Paris, need to prepare for an upcoming French exam, or just need to flex your French-speaking muscle, we have a program for you to learn the language seamlessly.

Our lessons provide a gateway into the French language and culture. All of our classes are friendly and engaging, whether in small groups or private lessons. Our French instructors are certified and use a conversational approach to language learning. This means less chalkboard time and memorization of grammar rules and more time conversing. Whether you are a novice or advanced speaker, you will see results tout de suite!

Contact us to learn French in Denver!

Family French lesson avec Melissa!

Family French lesson avec Melissa!

Keith in a private French lesson

Keith in a private French lesson

Conversational French lessons are available in Longmont and Boulder. 

Group French classes will be provided in our Boulder location.

Tutoring session with Edmund.

Tutoring session with Edmund.

French Tutoring with Melissa