Tips for Practicing a New Language Outside the Classroom

Acquiring a new language can seem daunting, especially if you are limited to classroom or online course settings. However, with an array of creative strategies available today, you can effectively learn and practice a new language outside the formal environment.

Here, we discuss some tips for practicing languages to bolster your learning journey beyond the boundaries of the classroom:

Immerse yourself in the language

One of the most effective ways to learn a language is through immersion. If you cannot physically be in a country where the language is spoken, create your immersion environment at home.

Start by changing your phone and computer languages, music playlists, and other activities to your target language. Engaging with the language regularly outside of the classroom will enhance your vocabulary and comprehension.

Use language learning applications

Language learning apps have revolutionized the process of acquiring a new language. Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and HelloTalk are interactive, making learning fun and engaging. They are designed with various exercises, quizzes, and activities to keep you actively involved in the learning process. Using these apps consistently will supplement your formal learning and enhance your understanding of the language.

Start a language exchange

Find a language exchange partner who's fluent in the language you are learning and also interested in learning your language. This is a mutually beneficial way of practicing a new language, as both of you get to learn and correct each other's mistakes. There are various online platforms like Tandem and HelloTalk where you can find a language exchange partner.

Keep a language journal

Writing is a powerful tool for practicing a new language. Start a language journal where you write down new vocabulary, sentence structures, or thoughts in the language you are learning.

This not only helps in memorizing new words but also aids in understanding sentence structures and grammar rules.

Practice speaking

While reading and writing in the language you're learning is essential, speaking is a critical part of language acquisition. Use your new language at every opportunity.

You can start by speaking simple phrases to yourself or narrating your daily activities in your target language. This helps to build confidence and fluency.

Attend language meetups

Language meetups are an effective way of practicing a new language with other learners. Meetup groups usually organize various activities and events where you can interact with others in your target language. This provides an excellent platform for a practical application of what you've learned in your language course.

To sum it up, practicing a new language outside the classroom requires consistent engagement with the language. Utilize the resources at your disposal, embrace making mistakes, and have fun with it. Remember, language learning is a marathon, not a sprint; enjoy the journey and celebrate your progress along the way.

Journey Language Center offers the best language courses for beginners

As one of the leading language schools in Denver, we offer conversational language lessons in Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, and English.

Reach out to us now for more information on our language learning programs in Denver!